Detailed Field Help for Primary Transaction Endpoints
This help text provides detailed field help for the Primary Transaction Endpoints. Click on the hyperlinked transaction titles for the GET, PUT, POST, DELETE actions for each API to drill-down to additional details. Within detailed transaction descriptions, click on the "descriptions" hyperlink to see more detailed information on each field. If field does not have a description hyperlink then it may be a root node or you may to click on a hyperlink in the "Type" column to drill down to view a more detailed substructure.QuoteConfirms
Data from a completed carrier freight quote including price, cost, tracking numbers, tracking links, and other details.
API | Description |
GET QuoteConfirms/{TransactionID} |
Reads a quote update from Pacejet and returns HTTP 200 on success. |
PUT QuoteConfirms |
Marks a quote update to an ERP in Pacejet and returns HTTP 200 on success. |
Data for a planned carrier freight quote including from/to addresses, packages, items, services, and other details.
API | Description |
PUT Quotes |
No documentation available. |
POST Quotes |
No documentation available. |
DELETE Quotes/{TransactionID} |
Voids a planned or completed quote and returns HTTP 200 on success. |
Complete set of carrier services, prices, transit-times for all active carriers as result of quoting a shipment.
API | Description |
POST Rates |
Returns quote result and HTTP 201 on success. |
Data from a completed carrier transactions including price, cost, tracking numbers, tracking links, and other details.
API | Description |
GET ShipmentConfirms/{TransactionID} |
Reads a shipment update from Pacejet and returns HTTP 200 on success. |
PUT ShipmentConfirms |
Marks a shipment update to an ERP in Pacejet and returns HTTP 200 on success. |
Data for a planned carrier transaction including from/to addresses, packages, items, services, and other details.
API | Description |
GET Shipments/{TransactionID} |
No documentation available. |
PUT Shipments |
No documentation available. |
POST Shipments |
No documentation available. |
DELETE Shipments/{TransactionID}/{Status} |
Voids a planned or completed shipment and returns HTTP 200 on success. |
Data from a completed carrier transactions including price, cost, tracking numbers, tracking links, and other details.
API | Description |
GET VoidConfirms/{TransactionID} |
No documentation available. |
PUT VoidConfirms |
Marks a void update to an ERP in Pacejet and returns HTTP 200 on success. |
Detailed Field Help for Transaction Support Endpoints
This help text provides detailed field help for the Transaction Support Endpoints. Click on the hyperlinked transaction titles for the GET, PUT, POST, DELETE actions for each API to drill-down to additional details. Within detailed transaction descriptions, click on the "descriptions" hyperlink to see more detailed information on each field. If field does not have a description hyperlink then it may be a root node or you may to click on a hyperlink in the "Type" column to drill down to view a more detailed substructure.AddressValidation
API | Description |
POST AddressValidation |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET ConfirmsList/{Status}/{ConfirmsType} |
Reads a list of ShipmentConfirms by their status. |
Notification in the Message System to alert end-users and user administrators of system errors, upgrades, other detail.
API | Description |
GET Messages/{TransactionID} |
Reads a messages from Pacejet and returns HTTP 200 on success. |
PUT Messages |
Deletes and creates new a message in Pacejet and returns HTTP 201 on success. |
POST Messages |
Creates a message in Pacejet and returns HTTP 201 on success. Uses standard type codes provides context-specifics for the error. |
DELETE Messages/{MessageID} |
Deletes a message and returns HTTP 200 on success. |
Shipping paperwork or label produced as the result of a carrier shipping transaction.
API | Description |
GET Paperwork/{TransactionID} |
Reads print data from Pacejet and returns HTTP 200 on success. |
PUT Paperwork |
Updates Pacejet print data as not yet retrieved and returns HTTP 200 on success. |
Detailed Field Help for Data Lookup Endpoints
This help text provides detailed field help for the Transaction Support Endpoints. Click on the hyperlinked transaction titles for the GET actions each API to drill-down to additional details. Within detailed transaction descriptions, click on the "descriptions" hyperlink to see more detailed information on each field. If field does not have a description hyperlink then it may be a root node or you may to click on a hyperlink in the "Type" column to drill down to view a more detailed substructure.CarrierClassOfServices
API | Description |
GET CarrierClassOfServices |
No documentation available. |
PUT CarrierClassOfServices |
No documentation available. |
POST CarrierClassOfServices |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET Commodities |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET ShipmentServices |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET Workstations |
No documentation available. |